
Use Scalar and Diagnostic Alerts in PredictivePortal

Alerts (formerly Event Tracker) is a means for PredictivePortal users to track repair actions on assets based on Scalar Alarms and Diagnostic Results.

See Alarms, Alerts, Notifications

Scalar Alerts

Scalar Alerts can be enabled from the System Configurations menu.  These alerts are either Warning or Critical as defined by the threshold settings.

All Velocity overall scalar values are grouped into a single alert for an asset.  Meaning if any sensor location on an asset, in any direction exceeds a threshold, an alert will get generated if enabled.  This will help prevent multiple alerts from appearing as in most cases multiple sensors and multiple directions are likely to all trigger as a machine becomes problematic.

Temperature scalar values exceedance will generate its own alert, grouped similarly as vibration scalars.

Diagnostic Alerts

Diagnostic Alerts are derived for repair recommendations as generated from reviewed results in ExpertALERT.  These are categorized as desirable actions = warning alert, important actions = important alerts, and mandatory actions = critical alerts.

Diagnostic Alerts are grouped by persistence occurrence.  The alert will indicate the first occurrence date, highest occurrence date, and latest occurrence date.

Managing Alerts

The Alert level (Warning, Important, Critical) can be set independent of the actual alarm level or diagnostic action priority.  This allows users to prioritize the alert action relative to the plant, production, etc., independent of the actual fault.

Alerts can be assigned to users for action.  User notifications will allow users to be made aware when an alert is assigned to them or when something has changed to a machine they are responsible for.

Tracking progress of an alerts action can be done via the Alert Status.  This includes Open (default start), Investigating, Pending Action, Pending QC (after repair is made), Snoozed, and Closed.  Additional details about the alert can be entered when the status is changed.

Closed Alerts.  Users can close the alert and finalize the feedback to analysts by indicating accuracy of the diagnostic, actual findings, etc.  Additional information pertaining to risk to production or financial impact can also be entered to drive other metrics.  Work orders can also be tracked through the Alerts page.  

Auto-closed Alerts.  Open alerts, if no action is taken and the fault is cleared through subsequent data collection, will auto-close and appear in the Auto-closed section.  Alerts that are marked for Pending QC will auto-close once data is captured to validate the success of a repair.



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