Access to accurate and comprehensive asset data is critical in manufacturing plants to ensure that assets perform optimally and reduce downtime. A Completion Profile is one method for determining the completeness of asset data.
The Completion Profile is a checklist of essential data points required for an asset to perform optimally. These data points, for example, include the number of motor bars, the number of pump veins, and other relevant asset-specific information. By having a completion profile for each asset, it is possible to identify missing information and take corrective measures to improve asset performance. Each time an asset is processed through the expert system, a completion score calculation based on the setup and diagnostic criteria defined for that asset is executed. The calculation generates a numerical percentage result and provides information to guide analysts towards any criteria that may be missing.
The completion profile is a valuable tool for analysts because it allows them to quickly identify what data points are missing and what needs to be done to improve the automated diagnostics. For example, if an analyst notices that the blade count for a fan is inaccurate, they can then spend a little more time looking at that data and determine how many blades need to be added to improve the completion score.
The completion profile is also important because it affects the Confidence rating of the asset. A high completion score indicates that the asset is performing optimally, and the analyst has access to all the relevant data points. A low completion score, on the other hand, indicates that there are missing data points that need to be addressed. By addressing these missing data points, the analyst can improve the completion score and ultimately affect the confidence rating of the asset.
Thus, a completion profile is a critical metric because it helps analysts identify missing data points and take corrective measures to improve asset performance. By having a completion profile for each asset, it is possible to ensure that assets are performing optimally and reduce downtime. So, it is essential to keep track of completion profiles and update them as necessary to achieve optimal asset performance.